Cracked Teeth

Category: Endodontics
Firmly anchored in your jaw and protected by an outer coating of tough enamel, your teeth are remarkably strong — yet it’s still possible for them to chip, crack, or even break. In fact, there is some evidence that today, our teeth are developing cracks at a record rate. This may be due to the fact that people are living ...

Osteoporosis & Oral Health

Category: Oral Health
Osteoporosis is a condition that weakens bones and makes them more prone to fracture. Estimated to affect about 10 million Americans at present, it causes some 2 million fractures each year — and as our population ages, these numbers are expected to increase. Osteoporosis can affect any part of the body — including the jawbone that supports the teeth. This ...

Tooth Decay Prevention

Category: Cosmetic & General Dentistry
Tooth decay is often called the second most prevalent human disease, after the common cold. Without effective treatment (as was the case through most of history) it can lead to pain, tooth loss, and sometimes worse illnesses. Even today, it’s estimated to affect over a quarter of U.S children from ages two to five, and half of those aged 12-15. ...

Eating Disorders & Oral Health

Category: Oral Health
Millions of people in the United States, particularly teenage girls and young women, suffer from health-threatening eating disorders, and dentists are often the first to spot the signs. Why? The repeated, self-induced vomiting that characterizes bulimia nervosa has a pronounced effect on teeth. Anorexia nervosa (self-starvation) can also have some noticeable effects on oral health. More than 90% of those ...

Blood Thinners & Dental Procedures

Category: Oral Surgery
Millions of people regularly take anticoagulant or antiplatelet medications (sometimes called “blood thinners”) to help prevent heart attack and stroke, and to manage a variety of medical conditions including cardiac arrhythmia and stent placement. While these drugs have proven, life-saving benefits, they can also cause side effects such as increased bleeding. So it may be a cause for concern if ...

Root Canal Treatment for Children

Category: Endodontics
Root canal treatment is a safe and effective way to stop many kinds of tooth pain, and to keep a tooth from being lost due to decay or injury. But if a root canal is recommended for your young child, you may wonder why: Isn’t that baby tooth going to fall out in a few years anyway? That’s true — ...

Geographic Tongue

Category: Oral Health
Geographic tongue is characterized by harmless lesions, or patches, that can suddenly materialize on the tongue’s top surface. The condition gets its name from the physical appearance of the lesions, which resemble smooth, red islands, possibly rimmed with white. Their smoothness comes from the absence of the tiny bumps or “papillae” that normally cover the entire surface of the tongue. ...

Pregnancy, Hormones & Oral Health

Category: Oral Health
You probably know that many physical and emotional changes you will experience during pregnancy result from an increase in the levels of certain hormones — the chemicals that regulate many important processes in the body. But what you may not realize is that these hormonal variations can affect your oral health — and usually not for the better. In fact, ...

Early Orthodontic Treatment

Category: Orthodontics
You probably know that it’s never too late to begin orthodontic treatment — but when it comes to your youngster’s teeth, did you know that earlier may be better than later? According to the American Association of Orthodontists, kids should have an initial orthodontic screening at age 7. What makes early evaluation — and potentially, early treatment — so important? ...

Mouthguards for Children

Category: Cosmetic & General Dentistry
Kids who take part in athletic activities — whether they’re playing on organized sports teams, bicycling, or just kicking a ball around — gain a host of well-documented health benefits. Yet inevitably, along with all the fun, the sense of achievement, and the character-building features of athletics, the possibility of injury exists. Does this mean your kids shouldn’t play sports? ...

Cosmetic Gum Surgery

Category: Periodontal Therapy
There are many elements that make up an ideal smile; bright, healthy-looking teeth immediately come to mind. But the gum tissue that surrounds and supports those teeth also plays a big role in how appealing your smile will look. There are various cosmetic issues involving gum (gingival) tissue. For example, your smile may look “gummy” — meaning you seem to ...

Blood Pressure Medications & Your Gums

Category: Oral Health
Before prescribing any medications — even lifesaving ones, such as those used to reduce blood pressure or prevent epileptic seizures — your health care professionals carefully weigh the benefits a drug offers against the possible risks of taking it, including its potential side effects. In most cases, the side effects are relatively slight: for example, drowsiness, an upset stomach, or ...

Dry Mouth

Category: Oral Health
Everybody gets a dry mouth from time to time. Temporary mouth dryness can be brought on by dehydration, stress, or simply the normal reduction in saliva flow at night. But persistent mouth dryness, a condition known as xerostomia, is cause for concern. Xerostomia occurs when your salivary glands, which normally keep your mouth moist by secreting saliva, are not working ...


Category: Oral Health
Fluoride is a mineral that is naturally present to some degree in both fresh and salt water sources. Its major dental benefit is that it is readily incorporated into the teeth’s mineral structure, thereby making them stronger and more decay-resistant. Fluoride can even reverse tiny cavities that are starting to form. Less tooth decay means you have a better chance ...

Root Canal Treatment FAQs

Category: Endodontics
If you have been told you need root canal treatment, you may be feeling a bit nervous. Not to worry — treating root canal problems is a routine part of dentistry that can relieve certain kinds of tooth pain and help your teeth last longer. As you learn more about this beneficial procedure, you will understand why it’s needed — ...

Stress & Oral Habits

Category: Oral Health
Teeth grinding and clenching are common habits, but that doesn’t mean they are harmless. Stresses from the powerful forces generated by grinding and clenching (also known as “bruxing”) can wear down teeth or even loosen them. Teeth that have enamel worn away or scraped off from this repeated rubbing action may become sensitive to hot or cold. And dental work ...
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